Archives for October 2003

Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

I’ve been listening to Douglas Adams” Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy on Audio. It’s a hoot. Here is my favorite quote so far: “`You’d better be prepared for the jump into hyperspace. It’s unpleasently like being drunk.’`What’s so unpleasent about being drunk?’`You ask a glass of water.’”


Yesterday Heather and I celebrated our seventh anniversary! Thanks to some wonderful folks from church who volunteered to watch the boys, we were able to go out last night and watch “Secondhand Lions” (great movie) and then enjoy a meal together. During dinner we looked back at the past seven years and recounted some of […]

40 Days of Purpose

I think we’re the only church in Tulsa not doing the “40 Days of Purpsose” thing. Instead, I’m thinking we may do something called “10 Days of Meaninglessness.” It would be based on Ecclesiastes and would hopefully leave us all cold, naked, and shivering on the floor of our existential angst.