Archives for August 2004

The Unpredictable Plant

I’m reading Eugene Peterson’s book on Jonah, Under the Unpredictable Plant. I always like reading Peterson. He says what I need to hear. Not necessarily what I want to hear or like to hear, but definitely what I need. He pushes and prods me away from a solely “professional” view of ministry that is so […]

The Rock and The Rabbi

Friday night Heather and I saw The Rock and the Rabbi. I wasn’t sure what to expect. In fact, I was a little skeptical. But it turned out to be an amazing performance. It was an evening of simple storytelling, creative music, and stunning vocals. As a minimalist musical, it proves the axiom that sometimes […]

They Found Nemo

The “Finding Nemo” sermon seemed to go well today. I found this picture while putting the message together last week, but couldn’t find an encouraging way of working it into the message.

Books I’ve Listened To

After my last post I was curious to see how many books I’ve listened to in the two years that I’ve been a subscriber to Audible. I’ve listened to these while working out, sitting in airports, working around the house, and driving to and from work. As you can see, most are fiction or biographies. […]

Ethical Dilemma

I listen to a lot of books from When someone asks me if I have read a book that I have listened to, is it legit to say that I have? Or do I need to clarify that I haven’t actually read it, but listened to it instead? Why is it that when I […]

Experiencing Oneness with God

James Finley on the benefits of contemplative practice. You write, “The true nature of the present moment is the reality of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.” Could you explain what you mean by that? Christ’s life is a mirror of our own life and the deepest reality is that we’re called to die […]

The Village

Just saw “The Village.” I don’t want to spoil the twist so I won’t say anything about it except that I was able to sniff it out fairly early. That’s unusual for me. Good movie.

Preaching Nemo

This week I’m going to do a “Gospel According to Finding Nemo” sermon. I’ve seen it at least a hundred times–oh the blessings of having two little boys–and I think I can draw some great parallels between Marlin and the God who relentlessly pursues us. I’d love to find a way to include the “Sharks […]