I Love Crossfit!

Several months ago, I finally gave into Mark’s nagging and joined him for a Crossfit workout. I had been lifting weights three times a week and doing yoga and running at least twice a week. So I walked into the gym thinking I was in pretty good shape. After almost completing a simple eight minute workout that consisted of a little bit of rowing, some squats, sit-ups, push-ups, and jumping pull-ups, I spent the next 20 minutes flat on my back, unable to get up, talk, or focus my vision.

Crossfit had destroyed me. As I lay there, trying to muster the energy and vocabulary to ask someone to call “1-9-1,” Eric the trainer came over and said, “Welcome to Crossfit.”

I was hooked. I’ve been a regular ever since.

Crossfit is the best, hardest workout program I’ve ever been a part of and after growing up playing highly competitive basketball, competing in a couple of triathlons, and running a couple of marathons, I’ve done my share of working out.

What exactly is Crossfit? Find out here.

Does Crossfit work? Find out here. DO NOT CLICK THIS LINK IF YOU’RE OFFENDED BY PICS OF SHIRTLESS PREACHERS. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. The “before” pic was taken on July 17th. The “after” pic was taken on October 17th.

As a preacher, I can’t help but think about the lessons I’m learning from Crossfit that have spiritual implications, but I hate it when preachers end every blog post with a spiritual implication (Do we have to spiritualize everything?!) so I’m going to hold that post back until I’m feeling a bit more preachy.

If you live in the Tulsa area, you should come by Next Generation Crossfit and workout with us. It is a blast. Eric is a fantastic trainer who will not kill you, but will at times make you wish you were dead. Once the death wish passes, you’ll find yourself getting in the best shape of your life.

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  1. Ok, bro, here’s the puzzling part: You thought you were in pretty good shape before?

  2. Self deception is an intoxicating brew.

  3. lene davis says:

    Hey…I have seen Wade emerge/evolve over the last few months and man is he fine! So Crossfit is it huh..I want to try it..I need to do something other than what I have been doing…I will check it out..Is crossfit like being fit for the cross or something…oh heck I may not send this..it is probably not cool to call the minister fine…but as an older member I think I can get away with it…ha ha

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