More Hall & Oates

The peer pressure has been intense. I’ve had close friends beg me to recant my last post about Hall & Oates. My official response: I can’t go for that, no can do.

Instead, I offer you my Hall & Oates playlist. Before I do, I feel a little background info is needed. I bought my first Hall & Oates album in 1985 when I was hovering around 12 years old. The album was “Rock and Soul Part 1.” It was a compilation of their greatest hits up to that point and from my 12 year old perspective, I thought it rocked. So did my mom. This was a big issue because that meant she’d let me play it in the car. It didn’t bother me then that my mom and I liked the same music and it doesn’t bother me now. My mom was, and still is, cool.

About this time I also got my first walkman and I played Rock and Soul Part 1 until it started squeaking. Later I replaced it with a CD and now it’s been digitized and given a little piece of my ipod.

I’m still waiting for Rock and Soul Part 2. Anybody know when it’s set to be released? Until then, I’m going to drop the Part 1 from the album name. Kinda seems unnecessary at this juncture.

Throughout Jr. and High School I continued to buy every new Hall & Oates album. I lost track of them during my college and young adult years, but they’ve continued to release albums and I’m thinking it may be time to get reacquainted with my old friends.

And another thing. My dad was a cotton farmer. That meant that I spent some of my summer days chopping cotton. (This of course is a misnomer, I was actually chopping weeds amidst the cotton. I wanted to say “hoeing cotton” but I know there are too many former Jr. High boys reading this blog for that and since I’ve written it only parenthetically and in quotes it doesn’t really count.) I always took my walkman with me when I chopped cotton and much of the time I had either Rock and Soul or Big Bam Boom with me. I wonder how many other people can say they’ve chopped cotton to Hall & Oates? If you did too, let me know.

Rock on lovecats.

In no particular order:

1. Say It Isn’t So
2. I Can’t go for that (no can do)
3. Maneater
4. One on One
5. Private Eyes
6. Missed Opportunity
7. Everything Your Heart Desires
8. Family Man
9. So Close
10. Don’t Hold Back Your Love
11. Out of Touch

One additional benefit of making this post is that it has made me much more comfortable typing the “&” sign. Until today, I wasn’t even sure where it was and now without looking I’m hitting it almost every time.

Hall & Oates, dork


  1. What is the title of “your kiss in my list…of the best things in life…
    is it one of the ones on your list? or if not, why not?
    and you really can’t use the word “cheesy” in defending your exclusion of that one


  2. I had to pull out my Big Bam Boom. My first big concert was Hall & Oates Big Bam Boom followed by Van Halen, just so we have balance.

    Growing up my older brother was a fan so I am an unfan who happens to own their music.

  3. Say what you want, but “Private Eyes” is still creepy.

  4. Lord have mercy…

  5. I thought I knew you better. That scares me. We’ve shared close sleeping qtrs through the years. What would Shishkin say if he knew???

  6. Hungry like a wolf!!!!
    Oh, wrong band.
    Invisible touch rocks too.
    Oh, wait still wrong band.
    Burning down the house…
    That wasn’t Hall and Oats was it?
    Whip It!
    Whip It Good!
    Hal and Oats should have sung that one.

  7. To all who really care about Wade… I think it’s time for an intervention! What say all?

  8. this places your zenith of coolness somewhere around 1987. by the way, those song titles in your list creap me out.

  9. uhhh, i mean “creep”

  10. I thought Hall and Oats was a breakfast cereal!

  11. I have to join in with Wade on this one. I love Hall and Oates’ music. Sara Smile didn’t make your list, but it’s a great one.

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