2006 Tulsa Workshop

This will be the first of many posts in the next few months about the 2006 Tulsa Workshop. The speaker list and schedule are starting to come together. Each evening we’re going to have tag-team keynote speakers, one from Churches of Christ and one from independent Christian Churches. This is one way we’re participating in […]

An EPIC workshop?

In a comment about the workshop Neal said this: The workshop talks a lot about postmodernity, but still acts almost totally modern. That’s appropriate for the moderns, but if you want to transfer ownership of the workshop to the next generation, then let the workshop be a place where ministry in this new context is […]


Another Workshop has come and gone. Things seemed to go really well. Len Sweet did a great job. Those who attended and listened to what he had to say left with lots to think about. Mike Cope was excellent as usual. Terry Rush did a great job directing the workshop. There seemed to be a […]

The Workshop

The Tulsa Workshop is upon us. Every year thousands of people come from all directions to gather at the Tulsa fairgrounds for three full days of preaching, teaching, singing, hugging, backslapping, and eating. It is the largest Church of Christ oriented gathering of adults in the world. There are some great preachers on the program: […]