12 Statements about the Kingdom/Reign/Realm of God

Tonight we continue our study of the Kingdom of God. In her book, Spiritual Formation in the Church and Classroom, Susanne Johnson provides twelve statements about the Kingdom of God that I find to be extremely helpful in summarizing the material we’ve covered so far. Our plan for tonight’s meeting is to discuss each of the statements below and then ask: what would a church that takes these statements about the Kingdom of God seriously look like? Should be fun.

Working definition of Kingdom of GodGods creative and redemptive activity in all of creation.

1. The Kingdom of God is a shocking and radical reversal of the usual order of things.
2. Jesus Christ is the decisive revelation of Gods Reign/Realm in human history.
3. Gods Reign is received and not generated by human effort.
4. The invitation to Gods Reign is an invitation to embrace a covenantal way of life.
5. The community of faith, the church, is called to be the sign and sacrament of the world God wills (demonstration plot).
6. Participation in the coming of Gods Reign requires our complete and ongoing reorientation, a permanent metanoia or conversion.
7. Participation is the coming of Gods Reign requires freedom and creates freedom.
8. Since we live between the times, our participation in the Reign of God is provisional
9. By the power of the Holy Spirit we participate in the coming of Gods Reign.
10. The Reign of God embraces the fullness of the human condition, as well as all creation.
11. The spiritual disciplines, especially the sacraments, make visible Gods Reign in the world.
12. Baptism is our ordination into the ministry of Gods Reign in the world.

So, what are you thinking?