Archives for November 2003

Wrapping Up the Kingdom of God Class

Tonight I’m wrapping up my class on the Kingdom of God by unpacking the Lord’s prayer. I take it to be the single best summary of Jesus’ Kingdom message we have in the gospels. If we prayed it slowly and sincerely on a daily basis, rather than mindlessly flying through it, it would change the […]

2 Year Old Nursery

I didn’t preach this past Sunday. Instead, I worked in the 2-year-old nursery. Our assembly lasts about an hour and a half. The first hour the kids were great. In the last thirty minutes meltdowns started to happen. I was really glad to see the parents start showing up to pick up their kids. Afterwards […]


I just finished a yoga workout that I have on video. It’s only about the third time I’ve done it and the first time in about three months. I’m can’t believe how much yoga makes me sweat. I think it’s because I’m worried about falling over and breaking something (like my one year old) during […]

Does Science Matter?

Does Science Matter? Through its rituals of discovery, science has extended life, conquered disease and offered new sexual and commercial freedoms. It has pushed aside demigods and demons and revealed a cosmos more intricate and awesome than anything produced by pure imagination. But there are new troubles in the peculiar form of paradise that science […]

Breaking The Da Vinci Code

I’ve had several people ask me recently about The Da Vinci Code. I listened to the audiobook this summer and wasn’t overly impressed. The stortelling was decent, but wasn’t as riveting as people were saying. Then again, I had from the beginning a ho hum attitude toward the supposed secret history of Christianity. Here is […]

Missional Bible Study Questions

Missional Bible Study from GOCN MISSION How does this text send us and equip our witness? CONTEXT How does this text read us and our world? GOSPEL How does this text evangelize us with good news? CHANGE How does this text convert us in personal and corporate life? FUTURE How does this text orient us […]