Breaking The Da Vinci Code

I’ve had several people ask me recently about The Da Vinci Code. I listened to the audiobook this summer and wasn’t overly impressed. The stortelling was decent, but wasn’t as riveting as people were saying. Then again, I had from the beginning a ho hum attitude toward the supposed secret history of Christianity.

Here is an article from Christian History looking at the controversial theories behind the book.

Breaking The Da Vinci Code – Christian History

Though unoriginal in its allegations, The Da Vinci Code proves that some misguided theories never entirely fade away. They just reappear periodically in a different disguise. Brown’s claims resemble those of Arius and his numerous heirs throughout history, who have contradicted the united testimony of the apostles and the early church they built. Those witnesses have always attested that Jesus Christ was and remains God himself. It didn’t take an ancient council to make this true. And the pseudohistorical claims of a modern novel can’t make it false.

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