Archives for January 2004


Today’s my birthday. Our staff is going to P. F. Changs for lunch to celebrate. Tonight Heather is cooking me a special meal. Caleb wished me happy birthday this morning and then when I left for work he asked his mommy why daddy has to go to work on his birthday.

The Top 10 Media-Fed Myths

John Stossel unveils the Top 10 Media-Fed Myths. 10. Getting cold can give you a cold.9. We have less free time than we used to.8. American families need two incomes.7. Money can buy happiness.6. Republicans shrink the government.5. The rich don’t pay their fair share of taxes. 4. Chemicals are killing us.3. Guns are bad.2. […]

Pardon the Interruption

In the West, we apologize for interrupting the man who is busy doing something. In the East, they apologize for interrupting the man who is sitting there doing nothing. Source unknown

Apologetics in Action

A Role Play with Dallas Willard We asked Dallas to role-play an evangelistic conversation with a 20 year old girl who grew up in a Christian home, but finds her worldview challenged when she goes to college. She decides to see her pastor and says, “I used to believe strongly in the Christian faith, but […]

Sunday Bwuddy Sunday

So I’m watching the U2 at Slane Castle DVD last night with my two boys and we’re jumping around the room having a good time. Then Caleb, my two-year-old, starts singing “Sunday Bwuddy Sunday.” His education in the finer (and more important) things in life has begun. I’m thinking about getting him some wrap-around sunglasses […]


This Sunday Im beginning a series of teachings from the book of Proverbs. Ive never preached from Proverbs before and as Ive been studying Ive been asking myself, How in the world am I going to pull this off? So many stand alone verses. So many opportunities to proof-text. So many possible message topics. Well, […]

Is Preaching Out of Touch?

Is Preaching Out of Touch? Everything else about worship is being revised. Is it time to rethink the sermon? Clad in faded jeans, paisley shirt, and sandals, Doug Pagitt doesnt look much like a preacher. At least, not the ones I grew up with in rural Georgia. But Pagitt, thirty-something pastor of Solomons Porch in […]

A Prayer from the West Indies

Almighty God, our heavenly Father, the privilege is ours to share in theloving, healing, reconciling mission of your Son Jesus Christ, our Lord, inthe age and wherever we are. Since without you we can do no good thing,May your Spirit make us wise;May your Spirit guide us;May your Spirit renew us;May your Spirit strengthen us; […]

Top Ten List for Young Ministers

I’m working on a list of things that young ministers/pastors can do to alienate the congregations that give them a shot to grow as leaders. Some of these could be funny, but some are deadly serious. Here are my first few thoughts: 1. Lament the fact that they just don’t “get it” while making little […]

Brian McLaren gives a great answer

This is why I like Brian McLaren so much. I’m a seminary student. Your books have really helped me. How will I talk about the issues of postmodernity with “normal” folks – once I’m outside of seminary? How do you do this? A short answer – it depends.1. With unchurched people in my area – […]