Brian McLaren gives a great answer

This is why I like Brian McLaren so much.

I’m a seminary student. Your books have really helped me. How will I talk about the issues of postmodernity with “normal” folks – once I’m outside of seminary? How do you do this?

A short answer – it depends.
1. With unchurched people in my area – so many of them are postmodern already, so with them, I can just talk about the gospel and life and God in their native language (rather than having to “speak modern” and then translate, or talk about postmodern language and thought patterns). In other words, with them, postmodernity isn’t the issue. (I talk about this in More Ready Than You Realize.)
2. With churched modern folk – it’s a whole different story. With many of them, it’s not even worth trying to change their thinking. In some cases, I think it would damage their faith to try to do so; their faith and modernity are so entwined that to challenge one is to challenge the other. With these people, I think we need to keep Romans 14-15 in mind. I try to bless them in whatever way I can without tweaking their thinking too much.
3. With some churched modern folk – especially a) those who care about evangelism, b) those who have sons and daughters who have left the church, c) pastors and denominational officials who feel that what they’re doing isn’t working – I find a lot of receptivity. They realize the modern approach is losing ground wherever you have pluralism (in the sense of people of different cultures mixing) and higher levels of education, and they are often grateful for help in understanding what’s going on.
4. With unchurched modern folk – I would seek to practice good missiology and speak of God, life, gospel in their native language, just as with #1.
I hope that helps!

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