Archives for June 2004

Productive Note

The meeting ended on a productive note. I think there will be some events in the next couple of years that have the potential to gather folks from both tribes together for worship, repentance, and fellowship. Hopefully, the long range outcome will not just be a few big events, but cooperation between our two tribes […]


I’m in Ft. Worth attending a meeting of leaders from the Christian Churches and Churches of Christ. We’re exploring ways for our two tribes to express some visible, meaningful signs of unity. My ticket to such a meeting is that I’m directing the 2006 Tulsa Workshop. We’re hoping that we can do something at the […]

Eureka Springs

After the assembly on Sunday, we took off for Eureka Springs, Arkansas. It was my first foray into a state that has supplied me with many sermon-worthy jokes. We found the Ozarks to be beautiful and Eureka Springs to be a nice place to go to get away for a day or two. I’m sure […]