
I’m in Ft. Worth attending a meeting of leaders from the Christian Churches and Churches of Christ. We’re exploring ways for our two tribes to express some visible, meaningful signs of unity. My ticket to such a meeting is that I’m directing the 2006 Tulsa Workshop. We’re hoping that we can do something at the workshop that would facilitate this reunification.

For my readers who are not a part of either tribe: in 1906 Churches of Christ and Christian Churches were officially recognized as two distinct groups. There were several differences that brought on this distinction. The biggest was the use of instrumental music in worship. Churches of Christ typically worship acapella and Christian Churches use instruments.

In a fragmented world where Christian unity needs to be demonstrated in as many ways as possible, it is regrettable that we’re having to get together to talk about being able to reunite in the first place. It was a division that never should have happened. That reuniting in visible ways is still a dicey issue for some in the Churches of Christ is even more regrettable.

Personally, I love worshipping with both non-cheesy acapella and with a good rockin band. In fact, one of the most meaningful worship experiences I’ve ever had was at a U2 concert, but that is another story. . .

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