Archives for March 2005

Very Simple

I’ve found a theme that suits me. It’s called “Very Simple.” I’ve got pop-up comments enabled just to see how they work. Let me know if you encounter any problems or have any suggestions.

His Excellency

While running this evening I finished listening to His Excellency by Joseph Ellis. Ellis starts his book out by asking the question: why did all the other Founding Fathers–men like Adams, Jefferson, Hamiliton, Madison, and even Franklin–consider Washington to be “The Man?” His answer: he was tall, he was strong, he possessed incredible self-restraint, and […]

Amazon Plugin

I’m testing a plugin that lets me add content from amazon on the fly. It’s supposed to work like this. Check out this book: Ok, that’s just cool.

Mall Mania Part 2

The following is a portion of what turned out to be a rather lengthy reply to my good buddy Sam in a comment from a previous post. Sam?well said. I agree with everything you?ve written. You?ve done an excellent job of describing the gospel from the perspective of what God provides individuals through the gospel. […]

Great Question

Here’s a great question from Marva Dawn: If television is causing people to be dissatisfied with the worship of our churches, should we change worship to be more like television–or should the splendor of our worship cause people to ask better questions about television? Should our consumer-driven culture be forcing us to rethink how we […]


“Annunciations are frequent, and incarnations are rare.” St. Basil

Mall Mania

From Affluenza: In 1986, America still had more high schools than shopping centers. Less than fifteen years later, we have more than twice as many shopping centers as high schools. In the age of Affluenza, shopping centers have supplanted churches as a symbol of cultural values. In fact, seventy percent of us visit malls each […]