2006 Tulsa Workshop

Here we go!


  1. Man, I wish I was going!

  2. Karise Cheatham says:

    Most of you in the Nashville area have heard about the church of Christ minister who was found dead on Wednesday. His name was Matthew Winkler and he was the minister for the Selmer CofC in Selmar, TN. He was found shot in his bedroom. It kept bugging me that the name sounded familiar, so I called my dad and mom in Florida. Matthew’s father, Dan, is the minister that replaced my father as minister at the Huntingdon Church of Christ. Some of you may have recognized Dan as a former minister at the Crieve Hall church of Christ in the Nashville area. As of 1:45 Thursday afternoon, the wife and 3 daughters are still missing as is the family’s 1996 grey Toyota Sienna mini van. Please keep this family in your prayers as well as the church family at Selmar, TN and also at Huntingdon, TN. I will try and keep you up to date, but I know the story has been on Fox news as well. Matthew was also the grandson of Wendall Winkler, a well-known church of Christ minister.

    Thanks, Karise

  3. The mom and kids have been found.

    Today was an excellent day at the workshop. Good job Wade.

  4. Damn liberal stuff. We all going to heaven now….

  5. You’re doing a great job Wade! Thanks for letting me a small part of it. Blessings on you always!!!!

  6. 4. Damn liberal stuff. We all going to heaven now….

    Haha… that ^ really made me laugh, Craig. 🙂

  7. I want to thank all involved in the workshop, we had a wonderful feast, I have to say my new memory is singing 728B on friday night. Wade could you please let us know if there was a shortage that Garnett will have to cover, I’m sure that we all can come up with more funds :).

  8. Barbara Hogg says:

    The workshop was wonderful as usual. I can always feel myself being “recharged”. I was dissappointed, however, about the lack of female speakers. There were only 2 that I found on the schedule. Is there some reason for this. I really enjoy listening to the women speak.


  9. Mark Henthorne says:

    I enjoyed this years workshop as I always do. I won’t pretend that I totally agreed with everything that was said or done. For me that is one of the wonderful things about going to Tulsa every year. I know that I will be “challenged” to think in new ways, by others who love the Lord. Seekers will be willing to be courageous and offer new insights or open up about where they are right now. I think the most telling moment in the workshop was when Terry Rush said that in the past year he found that they most divisive word in the brotherhood was …. “UNITY”. I applaud the organizers for challenging us to think. My prayer is that we have the courage to do what Jesus would have us do, and regard his praise of greater worth than the acceptance of men.

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