2007 Tulsa Workshop

The Tulsa Workshop is only a few days away. Terry Rush and the folks at the Memorial Drive Church of Christ have put together a great program.  I’m honored to be a part of it. I’ll be teaching a couple of classes, one on Thursday and one on Saturday.

Usually Memorial and Garnett alternate years overseeing the coordination of the workshop.  Next year, Memorial is taking it again so that we can focus on some initiatives at Garnett that need our full attention.  Memorial will take the workshop again in their regularly scheduled year, so we won’t be back on the clock until 2010.

The workshop has been a blessing to so many over the years. I can say that the workshop is one of the reasons I became a preacher.  There are many others who can tell a similar story. 

I hope to see you there.


  1. Wish I could go. Haven’t been there in years….

  2. I love workshop! I remember I got my first Bible there (it was pink) and I had to wash my hands every time before I held it. I remember huge Accappella concerts with my parent’s (or maybe I was just really little). Mostly I remember sleeping on the floor in my parents room so that we could share our home with wonderful people from all over the world. In 25 years I have only missed one workshop, and now I will miss another. I wish I wasn’t a grown up with a boss who says “no” when I ask to go.

    Everyone who can be there, enjoy every minute, soak it all in, and know how blessed you are to be there because all over the world there are Christians who long for a Workshop-type experience.

  3. I simply love the workshop. Regreatably my family will be skiing in colorado.. so we can’t go.. i always loved it we had tons of guests over for workshop. we have hosted for the same family for 20 some years running, and this is the first time that we wont get to provide housing for them : (
    ahh. to all those going, enjoy.

    p.s. i am actually really excited about skiing, but i wish it didn’t conflict with the lovely soul winning workshop…

  4. Our Group VHF (www.vhfmusic.com) and myself will be there. I’ll be checking out one of your classes, love listening to you.

    Still chewing on the gooder/worser language you shared with us at ZOE 2006 in Nashville.

  5. And I wasted your time tonight at dinner asking this very question. That does it…www.wadehodges.com is now my new start page. There…I feel better already.

  6. I hope the Workshop is going well. I was so blessed to attend for many years, and I really wanted to come out this year too.

    On a different note, I bought some Sweet-tart jelly beans the other day on your recommendation. They are great, thanks!

  7. Hey Wade … I’m looking forward to your class tomorrow afternoon. I would love to sit down with you for an hour … me and a bunch of other folks too, I’m sure … anyway, even though I know you’re too busy for that. I do want to encourage you. Thanks for all your work. Thanks for the shout out when I was passing by the other night … God bless you!

  8. It’s raining here (rare for the desert lol) Makes me think of Workshop though. I always bring a rain jacket, and flip-flops, you never know which you’ll need. Sometimes both!

  9. Richard Reynolds says:

    Great classes, you continue to move me by what you and the Spirit tell me…thanks for being open to it. thanks again

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