Archives for May 2009

Want to Change the World?

Want to change the world? I’ll can tell you how. But first, a story. . . In the beginning, God created a good world that very quickly fell into chaos because of our rebellion against God. Full of grace, God initiated a plan to redeem, repair, and restore his broken world. It started with his […]

Pics from the Crossfit Games

Here are a few pics of my experience at the SW Regionals Crossfit games. This version of “Grace” was not so amazing. Nothing like doing burpees in the rain.

Crossfit Games Day 2

Here is WOD #3: 3 Rounds, 21, 15, and 9 reps of Box Jumps (24 inches) KB Swings (1.5 pood) Sumo-Deadlift Highpull (95lbs) I’m a little stiff the morning. I’ll let you know how it goes. Update: Did WOD #3 in 5:48. I was able to do the box jumps and kettlebell swings unbroken. Had […]

Crossfit Games Day 1

Here are the WOD’s for the day: WOD1: 10 Squat Clean & Jerk (155lbs) Row 500m 10 Squat Clean & Jerk Row 500m 10 Squat Clean & Jerk Row 500m WOD2: 50 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups 50 Burpees The 155lb squat cleans are going to be rough. So are the 50 chest to bar pullups. […]

Crossfit Games

We’re headed to Ft. Worth for the Southwest Crossfit Games Qualifier. I’ve been training for this event for several months. I’ve got three goals: 1. Do each workout as Rx’d. 2. Finish each workout. 3. Beat one of my training partners who at this time shall remain nameless. At this point, we still don’t know […]