Crossfit Games Day 1

Here are the WOD’s for the day:

10 Squat Clean & Jerk (155lbs)
Row 500m
10 Squat Clean & Jerk
Row 500m
10 Squat Clean & Jerk
Row 500m

50 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
50 Burpees

The 155lb squat cleans are going to be rough. So are the 50 chest to bar pullups. There’s not enough neoprene in Walgreens to give me the support I need for these workouts. If you see me later today and I’m wearing two ice packs, that’s only because I don’t have three.

Havin’ fun on Hell’s Half Acre.

Update: I survived day one. As anticipated, the squat cleans did me in on WOD #1. I’ve never done 155lbs before. I only became comfortable with 135 a few weeks ago. I was able to do all 3 sets of ten, but ran out of time before I could do the final row. The cutoff time was 20 minutes.

WOD #2 went much better. I finished with a respectable time of 7:09. It took about four minutes to the do the pullups and three to do the burpees. Felt good, but very sore now.

One more workout tomorrow. It will be box jumps, kettlebell swings, and sumo-deadlift-highpulls. It will be hard, but doable, provided I can roll out of bed. I’ll post exact workout in the morning.


  1. you rock. 50 burbees in 3 minutes is crazy. esp after 50 pullups

  2. Michael says:

    Congratulations on your good work!

    I aspire to be fit enough to participate in a qualifier. Squat cleans are hard, no doubt. Burpees do me in every time. I just hate them. That’s why I’m making up the “Hansen” WOD that I missed last Saturday – swings, burpees, GHDs. Ouch.

  3. Philip Browne says:

    Wade, Good to see you in such great shape. Rob has told me about all the progress you have experienced with CrossFit. I am two months in and loving it. Problem is I still like to play ball every now and then and I am so wasted after each work out, I got nothin left for hoops. I am having a blast though. Not up to your level for sure but I am enjoying the journey. I enjoyed your post on Chick-fil-A. I’m a little harfed that you have probably passed right by the nicest CFA on the planet without stopping in to say high and enjoy a free meal for the fam. But hey, thats cool. I pray your effort in Austin goes well. We are in the midst of a family integrated homechurch plant ourselves. It gets pretty draining btw. I’m sure you know this. We are praying for someone to fill the pastor position for us. Unfortunately four families don’t have a lot to offer. Stop in some time. We are one exit off of 35E in Waxahachie. In Him…

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