Archives for November 2012

Preaching To Those Who Don’t Know The Bible

Several weeks ago I preached a sermon from Acts 2. I mentioned Pentecost, but didn’t take the time to explain the background of the Pentecost Festival because I was trying keep my sermon from going too long. (From what I can tell, at the church where I preach, anything over thirty minutes starts to feel […]

How to Preach Better Sermons: The Shorter The Better

From March 2009 to September 2012, I didn’t write very many sermons from scratch. During this three year period, I did plenty of preaching, but it was almost exclusively sermons I had already written and preached before. Being a guest speaker in a church, even when doing four or five Sundays in a row, is […]

The Biggest Miracle of All

Conversion, the reorientation of a life round the good news of the risen Jesus, is a mystery to me. More so now than it used to be. How do we explain how someone’s life can be changed in such a radical way? I say we explain it by calling conversion what it is: the biggest […]