Tonight our leadership team will continue our study of the gospel and the kingdom of God. Here is the handout I’ll use to start the discussion. It’s extremely oversimplified, but gives us something to work with.

Gospel–an announcement of good news concerning a victory that has been won by God on behalf of his people.

Highlights of Old Testament “Gospel”
Gen. 1-2–Creation is “good.” Humanity lives in harmony with God, each other, and nature.
Gen. 3–the Fall
Sin is a desire to live independently of God’s will, resulting in the curse.
The curse is seen as a destruction of the harmony in creation. The implications of the curse are enormous.
Humanity’s relationship with God is severed.
Our relationship with each other is altered.
Our relationship with nature/creation is distorted.
Creation itself is cursed.
Gen. 4-11–The implications of the curse expand.
Gen. 12 through Malachi–God promises to bless the world through Abraham and his family(Israel)–the curse will be reversed.
Israel fails to live up to her calling, and is cursed rather than blessed.
In exile she awaits a move of God, promised through the prophets, to forgiver her sins and make good on his promise to Abraham.
Israel’s enemies will be defeated–(A victory will be won!)
God will return to the temple in Jerusalem.
The Davidic Messiah will reign.
Israel will be restored.
In Jesus’ time, this expectation is known as the “Kingdom/Reign of God.”
This is the gospel he came announcing.

From his ministry and teachings, what can we say about the gospel of the “kingdom of God” Jesus came announcing?

What was the nature of his Kingdom/Reign?
In what ways was it a surprise to those who were waiting for it?

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