On Time

Ever had one of those days when it seems like everybody is moving a step slower than you? You’re in the groove and everyone else is stumbling along. Today has been one of those days for me, and it’s been frustrating. I’ve spent all day waiting on people who don’t have their lives as together as I do.

In fact, I’ve had a series of appointments today for which the other person has arrived a good fifteen minutes late. Each time, I’ve tried to be patient and gracious and all that, but with each display of tardiness my irritation has burned a bit more hot.

Five minutes ago I discovered that my watch was set fifteen minutes fast.

I know there is a sermon illustration in here somewhere, but right now I feel too stupid to care what it is.


  1. Maybe We as christians are living on our time. We have a set agenda and a set of plans we follow (your watch) when we should be following God’s time and God’s will (the real time) That’s the best I can do.


  2. Living on Tulsa Time.
    Living on Tulsa Time.
    Gonna set my watch back to it
    ‘Cause you know that I’ve been through it.
    Living on Tulsa Time.

    So then I started winking,
    Then I started thinking
    That I really had a flash this time.
    That I had no bussiness leaving,
    And nobody would be grieving;
    You see I’m on Tulsa time.

    Eric Clapton

  3. I just love this…I thought of it several times during the night and smiled.

    My first thought was speck vs plank..

  4. That is hilarious!! Don’t feel bad. It sounds like the time I was driving home after doing some carpentry work. I looked down and saw smoke coming out of my pants leg at the knee. I thought,”What the heck!!” I slapped my knee to put it out and only got more smoke. I frantically starting beating my pants leg to put the fire out, all the while trying to keep the car on the road. Smoke is now filling the car. It took about 15 seconds for it to come to me that the “smoke” was only dust from the carpentry work I had done and that I had started this “fire” when my hand brushed my pants leg while trying to change the radio station.

    Stupid people of the world, UNITE!!!!

  5. Hooteewho, that is hilarious…

    this whole post is hilarious

    this truly made my day. Thanks for allowing us to share in your moment of stupidity… I have moments like that all the time.

    God bless,

  6. I believe the correct quote is “Stupid people of the world, UNTIE!”

  7. Bright side…you’re on “Lombardi time”: the latest you’re ever for a meeting is 15 minutes early…

  8. My coach in college felt 15 minutes early was actually 5 minutes later. I still adhere to this more often than I care to admit.

  9. I meant “5 minutes late.” Sorry…

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