Slow Down

Dear Mr. Say-Your-Phone-Number-Way-Too-Fast-While-Leaving-a-Message-Guy:

Why do you leave chatty, interminable messages on machines and voice mail and then as you’re signing off say your phone number so fast that I have to rewind and listen to the message three times before I get it? It sounds like someone has just pointed a gun at you and told you to get off the phone immediately and it makes me wish someone were pointing a gun at me.

Here’s a request: Say your message as fast as you can and slow down when you get to the number.

If you’ll do this, I promise you’ll get more call-backs and the rest of us will dial less wrong numbers.


  1. Preach it Brother!


  2. Wade-
    This definitely has the makings of a Bud Light Real Men of Genuis spot.

  3. …and amen!

  4. Slow down till u think u sound weird, then repeat the number twice.

  5. The other thing is mumbling the number and fading away….Hello! The callback number is the important part!

  6. Did you see that you made the Top 50?


  7. I say my number real fast because I’m afraid I’ll forget it by the time I’m half way through the thing.
    What about the dude who calls and doesn’t tell you who he is? He just starts out with, “Hey, how are you doing?” And then goes on to tell you all about what’s going on in his life. Wacky phone people!

  8. Need to vent, eh?

  9. Several years ago, I left my native SW and moved to NYC. I was teasing a friend there about having to play her messages back several times because she spoke so fast. She retorted that she had to play mine on fast forward because I spoke so slow…

  10. Sam Middlebrook says:

    Or what about Mr. “No-Number-Rhythm”?

    We’re used to hearing numbers in groups of threes and fours…

    For example… five-five-five, seven-one-two-six.

    What about the guys I get on my voice-mail; who occasionally calls and leaves me his number this way…

    five-five, seven-nine-six, eight-two.

    I think he does it on purpose, but it ceratinly throws me off.

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