A Failure of Imagination

I got back from Atlanta yesterday at lunchtime. I really enjoyed my time at Catalyst. I thought the second day’s programming was a little weaker than the first, but the best part of the whole thing was not the speakers or the worship or the comedy. It was getting to be with Rob and Pat. It was meeting up with John for lunch. It was having dinner at the Hennessey household.

Friday night Rob, Pat, and I went to see “Friday Night Lights.” I grew up in west Texas, about 90 miles north of Odessa. It reminded me of just how ugly the scenery is out there and how seriously people take their football. I thought it was very well done.

This morning I finished the series on Jonah with a message entitled, “A Failure of Imagination.” God was up to something big in Nineveh and all Jonah could do was complain about his dead plant. Jonah’s imagination fails because he manages to do what all bad religion does to the gospel: he makes it all about himself. I don’t care what God is doing in the world. My plant died!

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