A Focused Performance Goal

Last night I ran 4X400M with 200M walk breaks in between. Each walk break was less than two minutes.

I ran the first 400M in 1:27, the 2nd in 1:26, the third in 1:24, and the fourth in 1:23. In order to run a 5:17 mile, I need to average 1:19 on all four laps without any walk breaks. Gulp.

In this video I explain why I picked running a 5:17 mile as my summer fitness goal and why you might want to pick a focused performance goal for yourself.


  1. Excellent post Wade – I appreciate it. And, isn’t it great that your goals are not mine – and vice-versa? I could cover some distance in 5:17, but not a mile. World class marathoners average what over 26 miles – sub-6 minutes I’m sure.

    • That’s right Kent. The goal has to be personally meaningful. We can’t poach one from someone else.

      I don’t even want to talk about what pace world class marathoners run.

  2. This is awesome Wade! They always say that a powerful “why” will defeat any “how” when it comes to goals. You’ve taken your why and turned it into something concrete you can carry with you everywhere. No doubt you’ll get that 5:17… or 19, whichever it really was.

    • Deacon–we need to get together and run the Wed night 5k over at Brushy Creek sometime.

      It was 5:17 unless I can’t beat 5:19. Then I’ll revise. 🙂

  3. Wade,
    Wade, Your goal is compelling and impressive. It takes a lot of courage to be specific about our goals; that’s why we so seldom are. Fear of failure is powerful. I will follow your progress with interest. Here’s a quotation that has meant a lot to me, and that fits your 5:17 mile project:

    Those who work the hardest, who subject themselves to the strictest discipline, who give up certain pleasurable things to achieve a goal, are the happiest.
    — Brutus Hamilton, Olympic decathlete and track coach

    Best wishes!

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