A Trip to the Pet Store

Yesterday, after a great Easter Celebration at Garnett and a huge Easter feast at Macaroni Grill, we took the boys to the pet store. This was the third time I had been there in the past few weeks. The first time was with Caleb when we were grabbing some father-son time. He decided that we had to bring Elijah so a week later we came back to take another look. Both of them decided that “mommy gots to see this” so we took her there yesterday.

Question: How many times can you safely take your boys to the pet store before you have to purchase something that moves?

Answer: No more than three.

I wisely waited until Heather was with us. After ten years of marriage, I get something right every now and then and it feels really good. She helped decide which animals to buy and what kind of cage to get. The boys were so excited during all of this that they started hopping around the store like little over-caffeinated crickets. This was upsetting to all the reptiles so I had to take them out to the car and strap them down while we waited for Heather to come out of the store with our two new hamsters.

They’ve been named R2D2 and Yoda.

On the way home, Caleb asked, “Mommy, is everyone’s life a dream?”

My inner preacher got the best of me and I jumped in and said no and told him how blessed he and his brother are and how they always need to be ready to help other people who aren’t as blessed. That’s probably why he asked his mom instead of me. He already knows that all he has to do to hear a sermon is pull my string. Note to self: not every nice moment has to be a “teachable” one.

Last night, as we were praying before bed, Elijah said, “Dear God, thank you for my hamster. Please help him grow up to be a guinea pig.”

Dear God, thank you for my boys. Please help them grow up to be men who have kids that will give them as much joy as mine are giving me.

And God, please be with our hamsters. If they survive even a week in the Hodges household (I will love him and hug him and hold him and pet him.), it will be a miracle.


  1. “They’ve been named R2D2 and Yoda.” A sign that your children, like their father, are strong in the force.

  2. You loved them and hugged them and held them and pet them but you did not call their names George.

  3. May the force protect R2 & Yoda from the most frequent problems with hamsters: “forget to feed”, “cage fighting”, or worse … “escape.”

  4. Wade,

    You are experiencing a sampling of the very best life offers this side of heaven. Enjoy every moment of your time with those little ones. Before you know what happened, they will be away to college and these memories you are making will be more precious than gold.

    Grace to you,
    Royce Ogle

  5. eeeasy Wade. eeeeasy Wade.

  6. That is great Wade.

  7. oh man! that is hallarious! only your children would name their pets R2D2 and Yoda… good luck!

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