An American Muslim Responds to the Passion

An American Muslim Responds to the Passion

One can be a passive bystander at the Sermon of the Mount. One can listen only half-attentively to Jesus parables, react with quiet cynicism to the miracles. But his suffering and death stir emotions that cannot fail to move us.

By theology and belief, Jesus is a revered figure to both Christians and Muslims. And though much evil has been wrongly doled out against the Jews in his name, he is without doubt the most consequential Jew ever to have lived.

So, whether you regard him as a towering figure in Jewish history, the Son of God, or the Word of God, he reminds us all of the Abrahamic traditions highest ideal and sets the standard for the most important gift we can ever hope to give or receive. After enduring torture and humiliation, abandonment, and betrayal, after being broken and bloodied and facing certain death, Jesus can look upon his tormentors and grant themforgiveness.

As difficult and troubling as the movie is to watch, the message of mercy, compassion, and hope is perhaps there after all.

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