Apology From John Reese

John Reese from World Bible School sent me the following note:

Someone passed on to me your website article responding to a partial quote from me in a newspaper. Having read your article, I realize that I personally owe you an apology in that some readers might have concluded that there would little or no evangelism emphasis this year. That is not the case, as the schedule itself shows. My word “shift” was supposed to denote a relative move, meaning that other topics and concerns are taking more of the spotlight than in the past. However insofar as I contributed to a wrong impression, please accept my apologies.

John Reese
World Bible School
Teaching the Word. Reaching the World!

Thanks John. I really appreciate your willingness to offer an apology and a clarification. May God continue to bless you and your organization!


  1. Kudos to brother Reese! His words show a good and honest heart at work. God bless him and you, Wade. And God bless us as we work to heal the divisions that tear at His heart.

  2. Ditto to Patrick

  3. Craig Jenkins says:

    Thanks John, Thanks Wade.

  4. Makes you wonder if the Chronicle took his comments out of context…

  5. I appreciate Mr. Reese’s response, but I still don’t get it. What “shift” is he talking about that would prevent him from endorsing the workshop? I wish we had covered more “women’s” issues, but that wouldn’t prevent me from coming altogether. Seems fuzzy to me. Lynn

  6. Yes, I was wondering too Mike. What is the Chronicle’s roll? Are tehy stirring up conflict or discussion? Are they encouraging unity or division? Are they reporting brotherhood news or expanding the whims of gossip? There is a clear cut balance that they are really dancing on.

  7. I thought it great that brother Reese would admit such and apologize. I hope that other’s who fear a “shift” can come to the same conclusion as brother Reese.

  8. Wade – I want to thank you and the other leaders of Garnett for the excellent program this year. Can’t wait to be there. And Max and Bob on the same night? There is no venue large enough in Tulsa!

  9. I have a great deal of respect for you Wade. I am learning a lot from reading the discussion and how you are attempting to handle it. I have a deep respect for your heart and your desire to both push forward because of your convictions without that causing you to run people over.

    You have a tough job and a delicate position. I just want to say thanks for openly sharing this process and showing proper respect for others while holding to your convictions. This is a very public discussion and you are teaching me in the way you are handling it.


  10. Here’s how the Chronicle quoted Mr. Reese in the article:

    Likewise, John Reese, a vice president with World Bible School, cited the workshop?s “move away from the titled purpose of ?soul winning.?”

    Here’s the full statement that he gave us:

    “Like everyone else, we must make choices as to where to invest our publicity efforts. Booth space at TSWW is costly, which makes us look harder at whether the expense is justified. This year, we decided not to display at TSWW because of its move away from the titled purpose of “Soul Winning.” WBS needs to stay on target for involving and encouraging members in evangelism. We will continue to evaluate venues with that goal in mind.”

    Bobby Ross
    The Christian Chronicle

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