Back in the Pool

After a nice July full of down time on multiple fronts, it’s time to start blogging again.

In July we went to Austin to see my family and then on to Gulf Shores, Alabama for some beach time. On the way, we ate Prejeans, one of my favorite restaurants of all time. Heather has some vacation pics up at her blog.

I also spent several days in Abilene where I preached at the Highland Church and then sought wisdom from Randy Harris.

I read lots of books with no footnotes, but full of guns, spies, and mysteries. I took four consecutive Sundays off at Garnett. It was great to have a break from writing new content. I was able to get some important behind-the-scenes admin work done as well.

I’ll tell you all what I told Garnett yesterday. It’s good to be back.


  1. Welcome back to the world of blogging.

  2. Glad you are blogging again. And thankful for the break you had.

  3. Wade,
    Welcome back to the blogging World:) I missed

    reading your insightful posts:)I can’t wait

    till the Workshop:)


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