Boring Words

Here’s the transcript of an actual conversation that occurred between the three Hodges men in the bathroom of our local movie theater as we stood staring at the wall doing our business.

Elijah (age 6): Dad, where did you learn to do that preaching stuff you do?
Caleb (age 7): I know.
Wade: Where?
Caleb: The Bible and other stuff.
Wade: What other stuff?
Caleb: Pages with words. Boring words.
Wade: You think my words are boring?
Caleb: I don’t know. I never listen.
Elijah: I don’t think your words are boring because they come from God and God’s words are never boring.

Can you guess which of these boys got extra candy before the movie?


  1. I don’t think your words are bring! I don’t fall asleep in the booth too often. :-}

  2. I love it… I am going to miss those kids. And I suppose I will miss your boring words too…

  3. They both got candy because, like God, you don’t show favoritism to your children. 😉

  4. No favoritism, that’s bologna! “Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated…” I trust in order to stay biblical; you blessed the youngest with more candy:)

  5. you are not boring. (i like Reese’s pieces)

  6. lol!

  7. The honest one needs a treat too.

  8. Laughing at Big White Hat. That’s great.

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