
Lately I’ve been stewing on how I can best be used by God at Garnett. I’ve been here almost two years and a lot has changed. I’ve found myself needing to reassess how I can best use my gifts. Right now, there are plenty of things I can be doing, most of which are needed. Yet a good number of these things are outside my area of interest and expertise. In the long run, these things will distract my attention and dilute my energy so that I’m not able to do what I do best as well as I can. I won’t do these things very well and I’ll lose my passion for the stuff I love to do. So I’ve been trying to discern what my ministry looks like when I’m working in the sweet spot of my spiritual giftedness. The last few days have brought some clarity. I’m going to start working harder at a few things and letting go of some others.

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