Cheap Enlightenment

A friend passed on an ad she found in The New York Times. Here is how it reads:

Causeless Love and Limitless Joy

Sandra and Daniel Biskind received the gift of enlightenment and healing, and the ability to transfer this energy . . . This transformation begins a process that permanently changes your consciousness.

receive the enlightenment transmission and like thousands, you too, may experience transcending the mind: the elimination of cravings, experience inner peace and a quiet joy independent on circumstances.

“Enlightenment is not something that man can attain on his own. It is a gift and for the first time in millennia, it is available for everyone now.” Sri Kalki

It should be noted that while the ad says that enlightenment is a gift and cannot be attained on your own, it will cost you some cash ($145) to attend their seminar at the New York Hilton so that they can give it to you. Wow, enlightenment comes cheap. How would you like to be a monk who has given his whole life to the search for enlightenment–fasting for days, praying all night, chastening the flesh–only to find out that what you so earnestly sought could have been yours for less than $150.

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