Cleaning House

My wife’s response to an ice storm was “what a great opportunity to stay in and deep clean the house.”

My response is “maybe I can finally do some housekeeping on my blog.”

Since she’s not home yet, that’s what I’m doing.

I’ve added some links to the “A Few of My Friends” section on the right. My criteria for adding a “friend” to the list is that you have to post semi-regularly and we have to have met face to face at least once. There is only one exception on the list and I’ve included him because he consistently says nice things about me on his blog. I guess that’s another way to get listed here. If you’ve got nothing better to do than try and figure out who it is, then go right ahead.


  1. My response was “oh no, home with 4 kids all week-end!”. I am sad we had to cancel the African Children’s Choir. We were really looking foward to it. Can they reschedule? Happy Ice Storm!

  2. Heather and I think alike, I’ve been on my hands and knees all morning scrubing baseboards, toilets, reorganizing pantires and closets.

    I agree with Lynn, I sure hope we can reschedule the African Children’s Choir. I had promised about 200 studnets I would see them there and “save a good seat” for them 🙁

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