Commercial Break: My Speaking Ministry

I really enjoy being a guest speaker for churches on the weekends. Sometimes I do a block of Sundays for churches without a preacher. (I’m speaking at the University Church in Conway, Arkansas three times this month.) Sometimes I do a one-time spot for my preaching friends who need someone to fill in for them when they’re out of town or need a break from writing sermons. (I’ll be speaking at the Otter Creek Church in Nashville on August 14th.)

I’ve also recently done a couple of events for men that have gone well. I’ve got a series of messages entitled “The Only Foolproof, Sure Fire, Can’t Miss Investment in the World” that empowers men to invest the grace of God into the lives of the people around them.

When I’ve blogged about my availability as a speaker in the past, it has opened up several doors of opportunity. I certainly don’t want to overdo it, but from time to time I want to let you know about the open weekends coming up on my calendar.

Right now, I’ve got a block of Sundays from August 21st to the end of September open. If I could be of service to your church or group during that time, let me know. If you know of a church that could use an interim or guest speaker during, please them know of my availability.

We now return to our regularly scheduled programming.


  1. Sam Middlebrook says:

    My name is Sam Middlebrook, and this is a comment that Wade didn’t ask me to write.

    I have known Wade since he was a graduate student at Abilene Christian University. I have been on staff with him at a church he led, and since have gone on to be on staff at other churches. To give context to what I am about to say about Wade’s ministry, let me tell anyone reading this that I have worked in churches ranging in attendance from 100 to thousands. In that time, I have also had the opportunity to speak at a Willow Creek Arts Conference and have traveled across the country to both attend and do ministry at churches of all sizes and flavors.

    In that time, I have yet to be as wholly engaged during a worship service through teaching/preaching as I have been through Wade Hodges. Certainly, there are “better” pastors, leaders, teachers, and preachers, that is not the point I am trying to make.

    What I am wanting you to know is that if your church has a need for a guest speaker in your pulpit, whether for one worship experience or a series of them, you will be bringing an anointed, passionate, effective, relevant, and (most importantly) biblical teacher in Wade. I love him as a friend, but routinely find myself in awe of him as a teacher, preacher, communicator, and story teller.

    Your church or ministry would be blessed and left seeking more of the Gospel because of what God chooses to graciously do through Wade Hodges.

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