Finished with Harry Potter

I stayed up late last night to finish Harry Potter. That put the pressure on Heather and she finished it this morning. It was good, but seemed about 400 pages longer than it had to be.

As for the anti-potter rhetoric that comes from some Christian camps, I just don’t get it. I’ve read all five books and can’t see the satanism lurking between the lines. Somtimes I wonder if those who criticize the Potter books have even read them or are just taking somebody else’s word for it who probably hasn’t read them either. Silly muggles.

Parents, if you are wondering about whether or not to let you kids read Harry Potter, here is my suggestion. Read the first book yourself and then make a decision. If you do decide to let them read Potter, then read the book along with them and engage them in a discussion about it. Help them learn early on how to process intelligently and Christianly what they are exposed to in pop culture.

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