First Class Ain’t Bad

Last week I made a quick trip up to Bellingham to do a memorial service for a 91 year old saint named Herb. He was one of the nicest old men I’ve ever met. It was an honor to be asked by his family to do the service. It was also good to be back in Bellingham for a day or two. I spent some time with my parents. We ate fresh salmon one night and crab and lobster the next. The local casino was featuring an all-you-can-eat seafood buffet on Friday night. We’re not much on gambling or casinos, but we do love our seafood, especially all you can eat lobster. Yes, lobster. I’ve never had my fill of lobster before. It was simply amazing. When I got tired of lobster I switched to King Crab. Not a bad way spend a Friday night with your parents, especially when they’re paying.

On the way home I was upgraded to First Class on both segments of my trip. From Seattle to Denver, we had a newer plane. First class had fully reclining seats, foot rests, and a back massager in the seat. It was the quickest 2 1/2 hour flight I’ve ever been on. I’m not sure why I was upgraded. It’s never happened before. I did buy my ticket through a travel agent and because it was a last minute purchase I paid a hefty price for it. Maybe one of those two factors brought my name up for an upgrade. Maybe God just decided to throw me a bone. All I know is that first class ain’t a bad way to travel at all.

Yesterday was great. I’m really feeling at home at Garnett. Every Sunday finds me a little more comfortable in my “space” when I’m preaching. Garnett is a fun church to preach to. They’re hungry for content, eager to laugh, and very encouraging afterwards. I know we’re still in the honeymoon stage. So far, the honeymoon has been great.

I got a blender for Father’s Day. Now I’m a smoothie making fool.

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