Free Wi-Fi!

I’m sitting in Panera Bread enjoying their free Wi-Fi connection. I’m pretty sure this will become my office away from the office. I would prefer to make Starbucks my office, but they haven’t ponied up the free stuff yet. I’m making a concerted effort to get out of my church office more and hang out among normal people. This will allow me to do just that and still get a lot of “office” work done. It’s amazing the conversations you can’t help but overhear at these places.

I’m in a really good place right now with my sermon prep. I just finished the rough draft for next week’s sermon. I’m trying to get at least a week ahead. I think this will allow me to be a bit more creative as well as being more relationally patient during the week.

I take my preaching very seriously. In some ways too seriously. Especially when I think of it as what “I do” in a defining kind of way. I can get too caught up in trying to be a good preacher for all the wrong reasons. In other ways, I probably don’t take my preaching seriously enough. I sometimes get very cynical about the difference a sermon makes in the overall scheme of things. Then I’ll get a note or a phone call or tearful “thank you” as someone is walking out the door and I’m reminded that what I spend so much time thinking and talking about, and getting ready to do, and then actually doing every week, actually matters.

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