From “Me” to “Us” to “All of Us”

One component of the Integral approach to spirituality is that human beings–and therefore groups, communities, churches, and civilizations–progress through predictable developmental stages.

One simple example is the development from egocentric to enthocentric to worldcentric.

Infants and toddlers are egocentric. It’s all about “me” and getting my needs met.

As we get older we develop an awareness that those closest to us have needs that also must be considered. It becomes about “us” and making sure we take care of each other.

Eventually we become aware of “others” who are not like us but have needs similar to ours that can’t be ignored. Now it’s about “all of us.”

Christianity can be practiced from each stage of development. But the Christianities practiced from each stage will look, feel, and sound different. Egocentric Christianity and worldcentric Christianity barely resemble each other.

What kind of Christianity are you most familiar with?

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