Getting Into the Christmas Spirit

I wrote in a previous post about having a hard time getting into the Christmas spirit. That’s not the case anymore. I’m fully in the spirit of the season and ready to celebrate Christmas. Over the years I’ve picked up a number of tricks that help me get into the spirit.

This year going to Silver Dollar City for An Old Time Christmas did the trick. The lights were amazing. It was really cold and we drank hot wassail and saw a splendid production of “A Christmas Carol.”

In years past, I’ve found the following to be helpful in getting into the spirit as well.

–A concentrated focus on the season of advent before Christmas. We celebrate Christmas too early in this country. By the time Christmas finally comes around, we’re already tired of it.
–Elvis Presley’s Christmas music. I also like Bing Crosby’s stuff. Harry Connick Jr.’s pretty good too.
–Driving around looking at lights, especially in big cities.
–Watch my three favorite Christmas movies: “It’s a Wonderful Life,” “A Christmas Story,” and “Die Hard.”
–Eating Christmas candy. The creamier the fudge the better.
–Attending a Christmas Eve service.

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