Good to be Back

Earlier today, Heather and I returned from three great days in Colorado. It was our first multi-day trip together, sans children, in over three and a half years. Major thanks go out to Heather’s parents who came up and faithfully stood in the guard tower for us.

We had some great snow at Keystone. It must have been a little heavy though, because I couldn’t ski non-stop on it the way I could five years ago. You know you’re out of shape when you have to stop and rest after bending over to buckle your boots. At least that’s what I overheard the guy next to me say to his wife.

2005 has started off at a fast pace for me. I don’t expect it to slow down anytime soon. What a great blessing it was to be able to pull over for a few days and “waste” some time with my wife.

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