Good Week

It’s been a good week. I was able to get a lot of things done that needed to be done. I had a series of very encouraging meetings regarding the shape of future ministry efforts at Garnett. I finished up a mini-series on hospitality this morning that I thought went pretty well. This week I’m on study leave so I’ll be out of the office and in the books at an undisclosed location.

In the last few months, my leadership role at Garnett has expanded significantly. I was trained to write sermons, not necessarily lead a church staff. Everyday, I realize how much I have to learn about leadership. It looks like I’m about sign on with a leadership coach who will give me some guidance. I’m looking forward to the journey. It’s been a long time since I’ve experienced this kind of challenge. I’m really enjoying it and hopefully I’m experiencing a bit of growth because of it.

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