Humanity 2.0

This Sunday I’m starting a new series of teachings from Paul’s letter to the Ephesians. I’m calling it: Humanity 2.0. I’m also teaching a class on Ephesians on Wednesday nights.

I’m just about ready to call Ephesians my favorite letter from Paul. It is a great summary of the gospel and its implications for individuals, families, churches, and the world. A better summary than Romans in my opinion. Romans gets a lot of press because it helped kick off a little party we call the Protestant Reformation, but for my money Ephesians gives us a better and more concise overview of what God has purposed to do through Christ.

One of the better commentaries on Ephesians is Peter O’Brien’s “The Letter to the Ephesians” (Commentaries have the most creative titles.) Tom Wright’s summary of Ephesians in “Paul for Everyone: The Prison Letters” is also an engaging read.

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