I Think You’re a Receiver Now

I’ve been meaning to post this for a week or two, but I’m just now getting to it. It’s kind of old now, but if nothing else it’s here for my future reference.

In a recent issue of Sports Illustrated, Dan Patrick has a list of the most memorable encounters he had during Super Bowl week.

Here is his number 1:

David Tyree was at a restaurant last Thursday, and I heard him correct a man who called him a receiver. Tyree said he was a just a special teams guy. Three day days later he made the greatest Super Bowl catch ever.

I think Tyree can call himself a receiver now.

This has me thinking about how quickly our self-perception can change. What is the difference between a struggling writer and a published author? A phone call from a publisher who says yes. What is the difference between being a failure in business and being a successful entrepreneur? It could be the outcome of one meeting or presentation.

How many of us are only good thing away from changing the way we describe ourselves to others?


  1. Holy crap! Does this resonate with me right now! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I think a lot of it has to do with how society defines success. If you are really good at something but not making a living at it or have a piece of paper saying you are good at it then it doesn’t count.

    Which, I disagree with. See, I am awesome! I don’t have a piece of paper saying I am nor do I make a living at it. I just am! But stupid society thinks otherwise. Meh…

  3. I have to think about this…great post.

  4. I think right now we are redefining the Church and our roles. We are now “emergent” and our worship is “vintage”.

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