Larry King

Did you catch the gang on Larry King Live? The Lahayes were, well, they were the Lahayes. No real surprises there. King badgered them a bit and they didn’t come across as the sharpest apocalyptic fundies in the land. Maybe it was because they were in studio with King, but I thought they were given more talk-time than the others.

Franklin Graham kept saying the same thing over and over again no matter what the question was. “Jesus came to save us from our sins.” (Not that there’s anything wrong with that message.) He gets the “That’s my story and I’m sticking to it” award.

T. D. Jakes handled himself very well. I appreciated everything he had to say. He came across as thoughtful and compassionate.

Brian McLaren didn’t get as much talk-time as the others. A couple of times all he could do was echo what Jakes had already eloquently stated. I wish he would have been given a chance to chime in on the “end-times/anti-christ” segment. I doubt he appreciated being lumped in with those who think the end of the world is only one common currency away.

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