Monkfish Abbey

Monkfish Abbey is a church with a difference

Tips for building generous “soul-care” communities, from Rachelle Mee-Chapman, “urban abbess” of Monkfish Abbey:

* Make the table your altar.
Eat simple meals together regularly and enjoy the conversation. Anchor your celebration with a simple ritual of breaking bread or saying grace. Try having a “question of the night” to get conversations going.

* Find a rhythm to live by.
Follow the seasons as anchor points for celebration and reflection. Make an annual practice of celebrating spiritually oriented holidays.

* Dance in the overlap.
Emphasize the places where your belief systems and faith practices coincide, and celebrate those.

* Embrace experimentation.
Try different practices, celebrations and rituals, and then lean into the ones that feed you best.

* Practice dialogue instead of debate.
Learn to listen to each other’s beliefs and practices. Create a culture that doesn’t require people to be on the same page religiously. Be open to learning from belief systems other than your own.

* Sink into story.
Know your family’s holy stories and find culturally current ways to celebrate age-old tales.

HT to MoLak Jedi


  1. Wow. Neat church. I hope to plant churches that value many of the same things they do…

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