New Sign Coming

Because of the transition we’re making at Garnett, which we described in the LJ article, we’re getting a new sign. In a few weeks, here’s what the sign on our front lawn will look like.

As you can see, we haven’t changed the name of our church. We’ve changed the name of our facility where our church meets. Our facility will be known as the “Green Country Event Center” and in addition to hosting a number of community events, it will also be the home of the Garnett Church of Christ.

Those of you from the Church of Christ heritage will remember that it was once kosher to put the phrase “church of Christ meets here” on church signs. This was to keep us from confusing the church (a gathering of people) with the building (where the gathering was held). It was and still is a necessary distinction to make. I like to think of our new sign as a nod in the direction of that heritage practice.

We’ve had to remind quite a few people that in the Scriptures the church is the “Body of Christ” sent on a mission into the world, not a facility where certain religious things happen. I’m glad we’re getting the opportunity to reinforce this idea with a new sign. The event center is already up and running and the initial response from our community is encouraging.

Today I was walking down the hall and overheard a group of fireman learning conversational Spanish from one of the teachers from our bilingual preschool. A few hallways over, a local school district is conducting classes for young mothers who are trying to get their GED. There’s a regular flow of potential clients touring our facilities. God is up to something here, but its still too early to be able to know exactly what it is.


  1. Looks great. Where did you get that name? From how you have described it, it seems it should be called Green Country Community Event Center. Oh, but then you would be too close to being a community church and we can’t have any of that. 🙂

    Best wishes!

  2. For those of us not familiar with the Tulsa area … what is “green country”? (i.e. the equivalent of Abilenians referring to the “Big country”?)

  3. Yes–Green Country is a name for Northeast OK.

  4. Of course. You can tell from the photo that this is green country.

  5. It’s awesome to hear about your facilities being used in so many different ways. I read your article in the Leadership Journal…I applaud your commitment to this calling even when success means going in a direction that seems in opposition to the way the masses typically define success. I’ll be praying that the love of Christ is felt by the community as a result of the changes you are undertaking.

  6. That’s awesome!

  7. There is a church here in Richardson, TX that has a sign the simply reads “Meeting Hall for the church in Richardson”.

  8. If you’re to going to call it “Green Country”, you should look into watering the lawn… 🙂


  9. I really should stop approving all these snarky comments.

  10. what would a blog be without “snarky” comments?
    (and thank you for the link to adagio… it has come in handy… i love tea)

  11. Oh, c’mon, you know “snarky” is just man-speak for “love language”.

  12. Wade,

    I think this is right on! I think this is where God is going to lead many of our churches in the near future. I pray that our hearts are open to His voice. Thank you for fearlessly helping to lead in this way! Shalom!

  13. Thanks.

  14. Wade,

    Our sign out from reads, “Holiday Inn.” Every Sunday the staff places “Welcome Mount Pleasant Church of Christ” on the sign, but we use someone else’s marquee.

    We are unique!

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