Nothing New Under the Sun

In a comment posted below, Sam wrote: I have to be honest about “reloaded”. Incredible special effects…. horrible movie. Can we get any more unoriginal? The thing that drew me to the Matrix in the first place was a storyline that was entirely unheard of. Now, it’s turned into a rehashed Superman, just with a different costume and a different Lois Lane (Trinity).

The special effects were the only original aspect of the first movie as well. Almost all of the story of the Matrix (parts 1 and 2) is derivative of or inspired by something else, be it a comic book, ancient myths, the bible, the Gnostic gospels, philosophy, or kung fu movies. What made it seem fresh was the way the story was told and the use of obscure source material to which most people hadn’t been exposed.

The original Star Wars movies seemed original at first, but then it became evident that they were actually Joseph Campbell’s “The Hero’s Journey” dressed in a wookie suit. Lucas didn’t say anything new in Star Wars, he just changed the stage, costumes, and weaponry.

There are no original stories left to be told, only variations of ancient and universal themes to be freshly articulated.

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