Oh Holy Night

Do yourself a favor and download this rendition of Oh Holy Night. You won’t be sorry you did. It’s played by a group of displaced musicians from New Orleans. The link is to a free download from the Studio 60 site so you are breaking neither the laws of God nor man by snagging it.


  1. Good stuff Wade … thanks!

  2. Jeff McKeand says:

    Studio 60 is quickly becoming one of my favorite shows, and is certainly one of the best-made shows on television. No doubt they like to poke fun at religion, but, hey, they’re in good company.

    Had to hold back the tears when they played this song on Monday night. Great find, Wade!

  3. Thank you sir. Love Studio 60, as well.

  4. Trumpet is certainly a heavenly instrument!


  5. I am interested in the comment that missions is the new worship. I am looking forward to you unpacking that statement.

  6. I noticed that the trumpet player who had speaking lines was not actually playing. I found out he was the trombonist. Kind of like Prez Perado playing Cherry Pink and Apple Bloosoms White in the 50’s.
    It was his band but not him playing the song.

    What is that all about?

    Big Truffle

  7. Amazing…..
    I saw this when it aired on Studio 60. Once the West Wing was cancelled Studio 60 has filled the void.


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