
Another Workshop has come and gone. Things seemed to go really well. Len Sweet did a great job. Those who attended and listened to what he had to say left with lots to think about. Mike Cope was excellent as usual. Terry Rush did a great job directing the workshop. There seemed to be a different spirit in the air this year. I’m not sure what it was but I’d like to think that God is getting ready to breathe some new life into Churches of Christ.


  1. You and Terry modeled for all of us what it means to “go through the sea . . . on dry ground” rather than “on dry ground . . . [to] go through the sea.” (Exodus 14:22, 29). I’m grateful for your willingness to be “stirring sticks” for your tribe. Jesus taught that only when the waters are “stirred up” can there be healing. I hope I was more a “stirring stick” than a tsunami. Whatever the case, you guys are THE BEST, and I’m grateful for your friendship and leaderhsip.

  2. Wade, no doubt you and the leaders there will receive much criticism. Keep up the great work. I really can’t wait for next year. I look forward to hearing my brothers from the Christian Church. Also, if Leonard Sweet can come back, that would be awesome. Aside from some great teaching, I’m jealous of his hair. Stop grinning.

  3. Hi Wade.

    I appreciated your class “No Habla Iglesia” — it was informative and helpful. I wanted to meet you and let you know I’m a regular reader of your blog, but you were always surrounded by your posse and your handlers. 😉


  4. Wade,

    Great workshop!! Every time I think the workshop is going to be ho hum, I am blown out of the water. I was disappointed with the crowd Saturday night. That was the best praise and worship of the whole weekend, and Robert Cox was great! That group from the Greater Alton Church was amazing. I hope things can be done to build that thing back up for all three nights. I don’t think I have ever seen it that small in the 15 years I have been going. I know other Easter weekends didn’t affect attendance nearly as much as this one. LTC might have had a little to do with it, too.

    Leonard Sweet was awesome. I have never exegeted a Starbucks cup before. I’m not sure what the infant baptism video was all about, though. Not a real bridge builder between them and us, if you know what I mean. I hope he comes back next year. Maybe I’ll drop him a line and pick his brain a bit on the baptism thing.

    Our prayers are with Terry R. God bless!

  5. I’ve been reading your blog for some time now and enjoy it. Would you at some point elaborate on “God is getting ready to breathe some new life into Churches of Christ.” I’m stuck out in the hinterlands of the Churches of Christ and want (long for) hopeful news.

  6. Something is going on in the Church. God is moving and getting ready to do some great things. I believe that people are tired of being the mediocre chruch. I think people are ready to love eternally, and seek upwardly. The Church is about to be changed. I am just praying that God will keep preparing all men and women in the church to further his Kingdom. All churches are being drawn toward him and when that happens watch out world. Here comes God.

  7. Wade –

    One of the highlights of the workshop this year for me was that your sermon series were available on CD. I purchased two sets of “The Divine Revolution” and one set of “Why Jesus?” I listened to “Why Jesus?” and Len Sweet’s “20/20 Vision” all the way home.

    I also enjoyed both of your classes. The “learning to surf” application blew me away! A very insightful message that gave my heart courage and hope. I believe the church’s best days are ahead of us. My experience has been that when we are in sync with our culture, our Father opens many doors for us. You’re as “in touch” as anyone I know, and you have been blessed with exceptional communication skills. Thank you for using them to honor Christ.

    It may have been cold outside, but the fire in my soul was kindled this year at Tulsa.

  8. I was just wondering how many you guys had on Easter Sunday? I thought with all those workshopers plus easter visitors you probably had a big day.

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