Read Your Bible!

According to Greg Hawkins and the folks who did the reveal study at Willow Creek, the number one most catalytic spiritual practice for moving people toward Christlikenss is . . .

daily Bible reading and reflection.


  1. Why, thats so crazy it just might work!

  2. I still think you are lying.

  3. Timothy says:

    Y … that would be like listening, instead of running your mouth about your own self.

  4. Timothy says:

    Not you personally Wade …

    “running one’s mouth about one’s own self.”

  5. Interesting.

  6. My current sermon series is called “This Is Huge.” It’s been a study of the biggest struggles and temptations for people in various life settings. For the Christian man’s stuggle with pornography, the christian woman’s spiritual drain brought about by fatigue and hurts, and the teens stuggle to meet the needs of connection and acceptance in Spirit-led ways, the message of Psalm 1 is critical. Meditation on the word! I didnt’ plan to use Psalm 1 in each of those first three in the series, it just seems like such a spiritual fit. I appreciate those who constantly draw our attention back to the word!

  7. not surprising…

    I’d love to hear more about why you posted that stat

  8. Recently, I wrote a article on Biblical Spiritual, which is rooted in the Biblical text. If you would like a copy, let me know, but this certainly makes me feel good about what I wrote.

  9. Hey..i just found your incredible blog..via your old post on God in the Bathroom…looks like your old posts don’t accept comments, so i will comment here:

    Blown away by your blog.

    I commented on the bathroom post here:

    and sent it out to our churchfolk.

    We have a great new Church of Christ pastor dude similar to you here in Fresno (David Bright).

    sent you a facebook message.

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