
This week I’m beginning a series of teachings on the resurrection. I guess I sorta started it last week with my Easter message about the resurrection being a 2nd chance for goobers. This week I’m going to start exploring some of the practical implications of the resurrection. Too often, resurrection is reduced to the hope of life after death or going to heaven when we die. Rather than park on those themes, I’m going to explore what difference the resurrection of Jesus should be making in our lives right now. The power of the resurrection doesn’t just kick in once we kick the bucket. It has huge implications for us now, not just later.

If N. T. Wright is right, then the idea of the resurrection–both Jesus’ and ours–contradicts the over-used notion that the goal of the Christian life is to go to heaven when we die. Resurrection means that something much better than “heaven” awaits us on the other side.


  1. When I began with Wineskins, I told my board: you’re gonna find that I’m a big goober: a fallible, messed up, human being. Competent yet fallible and imperfect vessel in my work, I suppose, but a goober. I stopped short of calling them goobers, but it’s an apt way to speak of resurrection: a second chance for goobers. I like that.


  2. Wade,

    Dude, Wright’s book is encyclopedic! Is it that compelling? I think I’ll wait for the movie.

    What you say sounds intriguing, though. I would love to read your sermons and glean from your study.



  3. It would be great if Wright published a shorter version. I really enjoyed working through all three inches of his big book. If you want to explore what 1st century jewish folk meant when the said, “resurrection” then it is worth the time and the energy.

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