Return of the Blogger

All day long I’ve been dreading writing this post. Every time I take an extended break from blogging I feel intense pressure when writing the post that announces my return. I can imagine readers saying to themselves, “He had a week to think about his next post and this is what he writes?”

Well, I’m back and this is the best I can do.

We had a great week on Sanibel Island, which is just a few minutes away from Ft. Myers, Florida. We played on the beach, searched for shells, and went through three bottles of sunscreen.

I made good on my vow to leave my email alone. Only once did I venture into a coffee shop that advertised an internet connection. When I saw the island prices they were charging for 15 minutes of usage I was shocked out of my moment of weakness and went to the grocery store and bought some shrimp fit for boiling. I was extremely pleased with how little I thought about work while I was away.

On the trip I spent some time with Wayne Teasdale’s “A Monk in the World: Cultivating a Spiritual Life” and Thomas Keating’s “Open Mind, Open Heart: The Contemplative Dimension of the Gospel.

Right now, I’m loving reading about and experimenting with the mystical side of Christianity.

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